Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Orlando Mini Maker Faire Recap!

Sorry this is so late, but we're still basking in the success and excitement of the Faire :)

We had never heard of the Maker Faire movement until a few months ago and now look at us, presenting our first team project at the one right here in Orlando!

We were extremely pleasantly surprised to have so many people of all ages and backgrounds come by and check us out!

Our project was a two-fold demonstration:

  • Using household supplies to extract DNA from strawberries
  • Demonstrating a very simplified DIY version of a common lab protocol called gel electrophoresis used to separate and analyze DNA

Great big thank yous go out to:
  • Our treasurer, Daniel Del Favero, for putting in so much time and effort into building the gel box
  • Dave Casey from FamiLAB for giving us the idea and encouraging us with enthusiasm

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